2023 Annual Report
People Power in

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Rashmi Mistry, Board Chair

I'm delighted to introduce 350.org's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2023, in this, my first year as the Chair of the organization’s Board. It's a position that fills me with immense pride, as well as a deep sense of duty.

350.org has been on a very intentional journey towards greater inclusivity, staying focussed on the climate battle while embracing a broader set of justice principles. As the first woman of color to serve in the role of Board Chair, I am excited about contributing my experience to the evolution of the organization and in particular the pivot towards the fight for renewable energy solutions. Throughout this report, you'll observe these core values reflected in our work, characterized by solutions-driven collaborations across all regions.

As with previous years, 2023 has been a stark reminder of the escalating challenges we face in our battle against the climate crisis. From the warmest year on record to marine heatwaves and widespread wildfires, to devastating floods and hurricanes, once again extreme weather events have painted a clear picture of the global crisis unfolding before our eyes.

2023 may have tested our resolve, but it also underscored the critical importance of our work in paving the way for a sustainable and equitable future for all. It is gratifying, and inspiring, to look back on our impact and count some of the most significant achievements of the year.

Strategic Achievements and Impact,

Our campaigns, partnerships and support for movements around the world have led to substantial victories, including influencing financial institutions to divest from fossil fuels, stopping harmful extraction projects, and promoting equitable energy transitions. Key achievements include:

  • Challenging Fossil Fuel Projects: Mobilizing against new fossil fuel initiatives, such as the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), Vaca Muerta gas pipeline in Argentina, and Whitehaven Coal's fossil fuel endeavors, underscores the critical need to leave fossil fuels unexploited to prevent a climate crisis.
  • Halting Fossil Fuel Finance: Convincing major financial institutions, including the Brazilian Development Bank and National Australia Bank, among others, to divest from projects like the EACOP, Vaca Muerta gas pipeline, and Whitehaven Coal, by underlining the financial and ethical reasons for divestiture.
  • Advancing Renewable Energy Solutions: Promoting equitable and just community-based renewable energy systems, ensuring they are accessible to everyone, especially to marginalized and frontline communities globally.
  • Empowering the Climate Movement: Strengthening the global climate advocacy network, in 2023, we aided 490 network groups, mobilized 94,701 individuals, and provided training to 7,709 activists.

Regional Highlights

Our strength as a global organization builds from each region, where our teams continue to work with local, national and regional partners to campaign on some of the most high impact climate-destroying projects around the world:

  • 350 Africa: Collaboratively worked on the impactful #StopEACOP campaign, achieving a withdrawal of financial support from 27 banks and 23 insurers for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline, and promoted renewable energy adoption in Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo.
  • 350 Asia & Türkiye: Through collaborative advocacy initiatives influenced QNB Finansbank, the Turkish Economy Bank, and Şekerbank to commit to divesting from coal, and advanced renewable energy initiatives across Asia.
  • 350 Europe: Partnered with key stakeholders to challenge major fossil fuel corporations and advocated for climate-friendly policies, including significant actions against TotalEnergies in France, and towards promoting a fossil fuel-free future in Germany.
  • 350 Latin America: Collaborated with local communities and organizations in Colombia to support the introduction of a fracking ban and supported the resistance to fossil fuel expansion in the Brazilian Amazon.
  • 350 North America & Caribbean: Pushed for policy changes to tax big oil in Canada, and partnered with communities to promote transitions to renewable energy in the United States.
  • 350 Pacific: Was part of initiatives for a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific and supported community-led renewable energy projects across Pacific Island nations.
  • The accomplishments we celebrate today are a direct result of the steadfast commitment from our team, volunteers, and partners, and the profound generosity of our supporters, to all of whom we extend our deepest thanks. The contributions you've made through supporting campaigns and donating are critical to building a truly global movement for a future that is both sustainable and just. As 2024 unfolds, and I see hope building ever more strongly, I draw strength and inspiration from the resilience and determination of this global community.

    I invite you to delve into the FY23 Annual Report for the full story behind our efforts, and an in-depth financial report. Together, they reveal how invaluable your ongoing support and dedication to climate action remain, particularly in this decisive decade. Thank you for all you do.

    In solidarity,

    Rashmi Mistry
    Board Chair

    signature of Rashmi Mistry

May Boeve, Executive Director

"People Power in Collaboration: Community-led Solutions, Global Impact" Every word in the title of this annual report for our Fiscal Year 2023 is reflective of where our energies are focused, and the exciting journey we've undertaken, together with thousands of our allies, partners and friends.

This year, we celebrate the spirit of collaboration, so central to our work at 350.org, as we make our way towards a future filled with hope and transformative action.

When 350.org was just a seed of an idea, we recognized something crucial: Only a truly global social movement can hope to contend with an issue as big as climate change.

Over the last 16 years, we have consciously built up our ability to bridge local actions with a worldwide vision, powered by optimism and a shared commitment to our planet.

Our ambitions were always very big, and we have always been aware that the scale of change required goes well beyond what any one group or organization can achieve. This is why we chose, deliberately, to become a movement generous organization. One that is focused on empowering, sharing with, and growing alongside communities and organizations across the globe. This vision has been the cornerstone of our work, nurturing enduring partnerships, especially with communities on the frontlines of climate change impact and inequality.

As we look back at the work we’ve done in FY23, it clarifies for me how the strategic decision to build a movement-generous organization reinforces our resilience, and boosts our successes. It's how we face the vastness of climate change head-on, with diverse groups from every corner of the world coming together under a shared goal, amplifying our collective impact through solidarity and action.

This year's report is more than just a document; it's a celebration of the collective victories we've achieved through these strategic collaborations. It's a tribute to our partners, whose names are woven throughout its pages, as a symbol of our deep appreciation for their role in this journey. Together, we're part of a movement that champions diversity, inclusivity, and a staunch commitment to human rights, all in the pursuit of climate justice.

As we look ahead, 350.org's resolve to prioritize solutions has never been stronger. We recognize communities at the forefront of the climate crisis not merely as voices in our global campaigns or recipients of aid, but as powerful leaders who hold deep insights and innovative answers, who can champion the sustainable solutions the world needs right now. The stories you’ll discover highlighted in this report, spanning from Ghana to the US, and from Indonesia to the Amazon, are beacons illuminating our journey, passionately advocating for climate solutions at a global scale.

Our dream of a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-generational movement mirrors the global community we're part of. By continuing to empower and include, we're bringing knowledge, resources, and capabilities where they're most needed, ensuring our movement reflects the diverse faces of those affected by the climate crisis. I hope this message does more than just update you on our past year. I hope it inspires you, and renews your commitment to our shared cause. The road ahead is filled with challenges, but together, we're building a future that's resilient, equitable, and sustainable. Your ongoing support and partnership means the world to us, and I'm deeply thankful for your belief in our collective power to make a difference.

With heartfelt thanks and renewed optimism,

May Boeve
Executive Director, 350.org

signature of May Boeve

Who we are

Founded in 2008, 350.org stands as a leader in the global fight against climate change, driven by the belief in the collective power of united efforts. We actively work to cultivate a global movement dedicated to tackling climate change head-on, advocating for sustainable and equitable energy solutions, and advocating for systemic changes essential for a fair and flourishing planet.

From our roots in community activism, we’ve expanded our efforts to shape global policy, push for fossil fuel divestment, and promote the switch to renewable energy. Our strategic shift towards renewable energy solutions highlights our commitment to equitable clean energy access, especially for those communities most affected by climate change. Our strategy is twofold: resisting fossil fuel projects, and advocating for a transition to renewable energy as pillars for achieving climate justice.

Our work includes targeted campaigns, training activists, raising climate crisis awareness, and partnering with like-minded organizations to amplify our impact. We empower communities towards ending fossil fuel dependence, and accelerate the shift to renewable energy.

With a network of regional offices, our efforts are designed to engage a broad audience, from grassroots activists to policymakers, united in the pursuit of environmental justice and sustainability. Our approach is marked by a focus on community-centered solutions and adaptability in the face of the climate crisis.

Our Board, FY23

  • Deepak Bhargava, Board Chair
  • China Brotsky, Treasurer
  • Daniela Costa, Secretary
  • Chibeze Ezekiel
  • KC Golden
  • Rashmi Mistry
  • Terry Odendahl
  • Yeb Saño
  • Ellen Sprenger
  • Jessy Tolkan


Bill McKibben

More information about our board

What is 350?

What's in a name?

Ours, 350, is a number. And a very important one. It is a reference to 350 parts per million (ppm) – the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere considered the safe limit to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. We are currently at 421 ppm. Our name, 350.org, is a reminder that our fight to stop this number increasing further is more important than ever.

With this report, 350.org welcomes you to learn about our work during our Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). We present some highlights of our impact organized by regions of the world where we are present.

Building the movement of the future
Stopping fossil fuel finance
Keeping fossil fuels in the ground
Powering up equitable transitions to renewable energy

Our Global Partners

We are proud to enjoy the steadfast support and collaboration of many partners in the global movement, whose significant contributions strengthen our own successes, as well as those of the movement. We’ve proudly included their names in our 2023 reflection to honor their vital role and express our appreciation.

View all of our partners

Big Numbers

Where we work


2023 Revenue

2023 2022
49% Individual Donations $9,728,000 $11,082,000
47% Grants and Foundations $9,316,000 $8,564,000
3% Other Income $551,000 $1,966,000
1% In-Kind $232,000
Total $19,827,000 $ 21,612,000

2023 Expenses

2023 2022
84% Programs $18,330,000 $14,673,000
9% Management & General $1,965,000 $3,706,000
7% Fundraising $1,550,000 $820,000
Total $21,845,000 $19,199,000

Liabilities and Net Assets

2023 2022
Liabilities $1,930,000 $1,268,000
Net Assets $13,002,000 $15,152,000
Total $14,932,000 $16,420,000

Net Asset Breakdown

2023 2022
Without Donor Restriction $7,757,000 $14,673,000
With Donor Restriction $5,245,000 $3,706,000
Net Assets $13,002,000 $820,000

Thank You

None of what we have achieved would be possible without the generous support of our donors worldwide. We know that the road ahead is long and will be filled with many challenges. We also know that there is no stronger force than the power of people coming together for the common good. Your donations enable us to make this possible. Thank you.

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