Young people in Santa Fe have been working around the clock to prepare for Santa Fe's 350 EARTH satellite project.  A coalition of artists, scientists, educators, students and community members have come together to raise awareness about one of the most endangered rivers on the planet by creating the illusion of a flash flood in the photograph that will be taken by a passing satellite next weekend. Thousands of people will gather in the dry river bed and at the agreed upon moment, as the satellite passes, the people will hold large pieces of blue cardboard up over their heads. The idea is that from space the river will appear healthy and full of light blue water, a state that New Mexicans have not seen the river in in years!  Severe droughts in the Southwest, among other environmental factors, have resulted in a very dry river, so dry the American Rivers deemed the Santa Fe river the most endangered river in America in 2007. Yikes! Watch this video and you can see the creative project these young people are leading to raise awareness on the issue and the entire communities effort to restore their river.

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