On Monday, thousands of people will join a rally outside the US Chamber of Commerce to protest the money pollution that’s corrupting our democracy and wrecking our planet.

We’ll be shining a spotlight on the US Chamber and revealing it for what it really is: a front group for the fossil fuel industry. And we’ll be calling on President Obama and Congress to stand up for people, not polluters, and take on bold clean energy and climate action.

350.org Founder Bill McKibben at Power Shift 2011 (photo: Shadia Fayne-Wood)

Stay tuned to this website or follow @350 and @energyaction on Twitter for live updates from tomorrow’s rally.

The rally is the culmination of Power Shift 2011, a conference here in DC for over 10,000 youth leaders from across the country.The energy at Power Shift has been palpable. Young leaders from every state in the nation have spent the weekend listening to inspiring speakers like EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and 350.org founder Bill McKibben.

On Monday, they’ll take a stand in front of the US Chamber and say, “enough is enough.” We’re sick and tired of seeing our country tied down to the fossil fuel industry. Tomorrow, that begins to change.

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
