It was shocking to see the New York police raid the peaceful and nonviolent headquarters of the Occupy movement in lower Manhattan early this morning. 

They may imagine that in so doing they’re stamping something out. But just as it boosted the pipeline fight when many of us had to go off to jail, so too will this only add steam to the Occupy movement worldwide. 

Bill McKibben is visiting Occupy Vancouver this evening, as part of the ongoing fight against pipelines out of the tarsands; he’ll be bringing our message of solidarity with the whole Occupy movement. 

As he said when he spoke through the human microphone early in the New York occupation, “since Wall Street has been occupying the atmosphere for many years, it’s entirely necessary that we occupy Wall Street.” 

Please visit for more info, and follow @occupywallstNYC on Twitter for latest updates from New York.

UPDATE: Tomorrow, November 17th, marks the two month anniversary of the original Wall Street occupation, its eviction yesterday only reinforces its power. To mark this anniverary, Occupy Wall Street has put out a call to action:

“We will gather in Liberty Square at 7:00 a.m., before the ring of the Trading Floor Bell, to prepare to confront Wall Street with the stories of people on the frontlines of economic injustice. There, before the Stock Exchange, we will exchange stories rather than stocks.” At 3pm they will gather at 16 major subway hubs to “…take our own stories to the trains, using the ‘People’s Mic’… At 5 pm, tens of thousands of people will gather at Foley Square (just across from City Hall) in solidarity with laborers demanding jobs to rebuild this country’s infrastructure and economy…

Afterwards we will march to our bridges. Let’s make it as musical a march as possible – bring your songs, your voice, your spirit! Our ‘Musical’ on the bridge will culminate in a festival of light as we mark the two-month anniversary of the #occupy movement, and our commitment to shining light into our broken economic and political system.”

In just two months, Occupy Wall Street has captured the imagination of thousands, and given people the space to dream again. Lets see what tomorrow brings…


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