It’s the beginning of a new week and time to introduce some new partners. This movement has picked up incredible momentum during the month of May. We’ve gotten word of nearly 1,000 events around the world and our staff are almost having trouble keeping up with the level of interest and enthusiasm on every continent. October 24 is shaping up to be a defining moment — if you haven’t yet registered an action in your town or city, sign up today and start thinking about what iconic photograph you want to contribute.

Today, we’re joined by Agham Youth in the Philippines. According to their charter, “The Agham Youth is a student organization established in March 1999 in recognition of the need for a renewal of the advocacy for the development and utilization of science and technology that shall be of service to the broad masses of the people.” Here’s a bit more from Marjorie Pamintuan about what they are planning for the months ahead:

One of our major plans is organizing a Poster-making contest on August-September.  We haven’t thought of a title for the event yet but the theme will revolve on climate change effects, adaptation and mitigation. The works of the contestants will be exhibited here in UP Diliman for public viewing. We are also planning to exhibit their works in the House of Representatives to call on legislators to take the issue of climate change seriously. There will also be an awards/poetry night wherein the entries will also be exhibited. We plan on inviting musicians and artists to perform in this event.

As one of the convenors of Youth and Students Opposed to the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant Revival (Youth STOP BNPP Revival),  we are also planning to organize a youth camp in Bataan wherein the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) is located. In this event, we will gather youth from all over the country to stay two days and one night in Bataan. Different activities will be prepared such as community integrations and discussions and workshops on the issue of the BNPP revival and also on climate change effects, adaptation and mitigation. (Please visit and for a background on the BNPP and updates on events).

On October 24, we plan to hold a kite flying and jogging event in support of the worldwide climate action. I hope it does not rain here in the Philippines on that day. But just in case, we will plan on an alternative activity when our group meets again soon.

To be able to recruit people for these events, we will conduct an information-education drive from June to October. Of course the call to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere  to 350 is part of these all these activities!

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